Emergency Tips And Services: We’ve Got You Covered

March 24, 2020
Medical staff wheeling patient quickly through hallway

24/7 Emergency Services In and Around Las Vegas

The Heat Is On

Especially as temperatures rise, be aware of these potential health hazards:

  • Heat-related illnesses and dehydration
  • Food poisoning
  • Swimming injuries and drowning
  • Stings and bug bites

Travel Tips

If you’re planning to travel this summer, having certain medical information handy can make a difference in a medical emergency. Carolyn Hafen, RN, Emergency Room Director for Spring Valley Hospital, advises keeping the following information in a safe yet easily accessible place to bring to the ER:

  • List of medications and the dosage you’re currently taking, as well as information about any allergies to medication
  • Names of your primary care physician and/or specialists with phone numbers (include area code with all phone numbers)
  • Phone numbers for your local pharmacy and relatives/family friends who may be contacted
  • Copy of your living will or advance directive if you have one
  • Driver’s license (or copy)
  • Proof of insurance and an insurance contact phone number

Did You Know...

The majority of scorpion stings cause local pain with minimal to no inflammation. However, approximately 10 to 30% of patients who are stung by scorpions can have a life-threatening reaction.* This is especially true in children less than 10 years of age, so they should get immediate medical care if they are stung by a scorpion, says Robert Wilkinson, DO, Medical Director of the Pediatric Emergency Department at the Children’s Medical Center at Summerlin Hospital.
