By Early Ritter, MSN, RN, Director of Women’s Services, Summerlin Hospital

August 10, 2023

Summerlin Hospital Reaffirms Commitment to Exclusive Breastfeeding Support, Valley Health System, Las Vegas, NV.In honor of World Breastfeeding Week, the Birthplace at Summerlin Hospital proudly stands alongside the global community in recognizing the importance of exclusive breastfeeding for newborns. With a deep commitment to maternal and infant health, the Birthplace provides comprehensive support and resources to empower mothers on their breastfeeding journey.

Education and Preparation

The Birthplace care team understands that education and preparation are essential to successful breastfeeding. Expectant mothers can participate in breastfeeding classes that cover essential topics, such as proper latching and positioning, establishing milk supply and overcoming common breastfeeding challenges. By equipping mothers with knowledge and confidence, the care team helps ensure they are prepared to begin breastfeeding their newborns.

Lactation Support

A team of experienced lactation consultants is available to provide personalized support and guidance to mothers throughout their hospital stay. The consultants assist with breastfeeding techniques and address any concerns or difficulties that arise. They work closely with mothers to promote a successful breastfeeding experience and achieve optimal health for mother and baby.


Because rooming-in is key to a successful breastfeeding initiation, the Birthplace provides a comfortable and supportive environment in which mothers and babies can stay together. Rooming-in promotes frequent and timely breastfeeding, enabling mothers to recognize early hunger cues and respond promptly. This practice helps to establish a strong breastfeeding relationship and positive breastfeeding experience.

Post-Discharge Support

Summerlin Hospital's support for exclusive breastfeeding extends beyond the hospital. We offer post-discharge lactation support through follow-up consultations and access to breastfeeding support groups. These resources provide ongoing guidance and encouragement to mothers as they continue their breastfeeding journey at home. We offer this support to make sure mothers have the resources they need to overcome any challenges and stay committed to exclusive breastfeeding.

Community Engagement

Summerlin Hospital actively engages with the community to promote the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding. During World Breastfeeding Week, the hospital organizes events and activities to raise awareness and provide education about breastfeeding. These initiatives aim to create a supportive environment for breastfeeding mothers and encourage a community that values and supports exclusive breastfeeding.